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Ids de portales ascent

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Ids de portales ascent Empty Ids de portales ascent

Mensaje  ong Lun Oct 20, 2008 9:36 pm

Ids de portales integrados en ascent:

Portal to Stormwind:176296
Portal to Ironforge:176497
Portal to Darnassus:176498
Portal to Orgrimmar:176499
Portal to Thunder Bluff:176500
Portal to Undercity:176501
Portal to Inner Maraudon:178404
Portal to Alliance Battlegrounds:200001
Portal to Ratchet:200002
Portal to Menethil Harbour:200003
Portal to Horde Battlegrounds:200004
Portal to Hyjal:956842
Portal to Pools of Arlithrien:9999995
Portal to Tirisfal Glades:9999996
Portal to Ratcher:9999999
Portal to Silvermoon:6956
Portal to Exodar: 6955
Portal to Shattrat:184594

============================= ============
.worldport 0 -8919.284180 -117.894028 82.339821 = human starting area
.worldport 1 1484.36 -4417.93 24.4709 = Ogrimmar
.worldport 530 -248.136032 958.184509 84.349197 = Dark portal outlands
.worldport 0 1786.82 47.9279 -29.1457 = Undercity magic quarter
.worldport 530 10207,8 -6347,07 30,8409 = Blood Elf starting area
.worldport 530 -4074.687744 -13766.423828 74.768860 = Draenei starting area
.worldport 269 -1494,65 7038,54 32,4018 = Caverns of time inside
.worldport 9851 530 -7500 -4 - Silvermoon City

===============OUTLANDS= ==================
.worldport 530 2342 2642 27 - Netherstorm
.worldport 530 1114 7091 123 - Blades Edge Mountains
.worldport 530 8481 -5565 1 - North Sea - Eversong Woods
.worldport 530 9851 -7500 -4 - Silvermoon City
.worldport 530 -703 2724 94 - Honor Hold
.worldport 530 7557 -6889 96 - Tranquillien
.worldport 530 -4020.4766 -13783.3340 73.9001 - Azuremyst Isle
.worldport 530 7880 -6193 21 - Ghostlands
.worldport 530 -248 956 85 - Hellfire Penisula
.worldport 530 1587 8607 -33 - Zangarmarsh
.worldport 530 -526 8440 47 - Nagrand
.worldport 530 -2721.6763 -12208.9297 9.0882 - Bloodmyst Isle
.worldport 530 -1177 5336 30 - Terokkar Forest entrance
.worldport 530 -2848 3190 8 - Shadowmoon Valley, Valle Sombraluna
.worldport 530 -4020.4766 -13783.3340 73.900 - Crash Site
.worldport 530 6862.0913 -7576.3403 85.6041 - Amani Pass
.worldport 530 3606.8525 5260.4902 3.1724 - Blades Edge Mountain
.worldport 530 -3579 -23 275 - Top of the Black Temple
.worldport 530 -236.9099 963.2751 282.0297 - On Top of the Dark Portal
.worldport 530 -305.7143 3056.9558 -2.6005 - Hellfire Citadel Enterance
.worldport 530 2280.6804 2520.7498 115.2777 - Netherstorm
.worldport 530 573 8655 19.3 - Twilight Portal
.worldport 530 10459.0205 -6366.3696 39.7917 - Sunstrider Isle
.worldport 530 -247.0472 938.1437 84.3426 - Stairway of Destiny

.worldp ort 540 -41 -22 -14 - Hellfire Military
.worldport 542 -3 11 -45 - Hellfire Demon
.worldport 532 -11109.36 -2002.97 49.9 - Karazhan
.worldport 532 -11061.4326 -1957.6160 273.2524 - Top of Karazhan
.worldport 560 -1752.68 -288.79 73.05 - Old Hillsbrad
.worldport 546 331 -331 22 - coilfang
.worldport 269 1116.7 -323.5 68.5 - Black Morass
.worldport 559 4156.1919 2827.0188 51.1325 - Nagrand PVP Arena
.worldport 562 6400 256 0 - Blades Edge Arena
.worldport 533 3005.4951 -3433.6279 304.1954 - Naxxarmas
.worldport 560 2000 100 500 - Old Hyjal
.worldport 564 943 750 310 - Black Temple
.worldport 550 0 0 0 - Tempest Keep

==============GM Stuff====================
.wor ldport 1 16222.1 16252.1 12.6 - Gm Isle
.worldport 451 16391.8 16341.2 69.5 - Programmer Isle
.worldport 451 16303.5 -16173.5 40.5 - Designers Isle

.worldport 0 -5019.7295 -835.6979 496.6619 -Ironforge
.worldport 0 -4843.0874 -1066.9552 500.9893 -Old Ironforge
.worldport 0 1876.1116 237.8327 61.5105 -Undercity
.worldport 0 -9075.6650 425.8427 93.0560 -Stormwind City
.worldport 1 9987.8008 2006.5902 1328.0952 -Darnassus
.worldport 1 -1023.7902 -82.3533 59.6219 -Thunder Bluff
.worldport 1 1384.2094 -4369.2202 26.6785 -Orgrimmar
.worldport 30 767.4766 -490.8593 97.7670 - Alterac Valley - Alliance Start
.worldport 30 -886.1016 -536.9648 55.2434 Alterac Valley - Horde Start
.worldport 33 -227.8457 2111.7126 76.8899 Shadowfang Keep
.worldport 34 49.5494 0.9678 -16.6128 Stormwind Stockade
.worldport 36 -14.7243 -384.9828 62.2603 The Deadmines
.worldport 37 -112.7209 847.5630 293.2967 Azshara Crater
.worldport 43 -163.5589 134.6543 -73.5364 The Wailing Caverns
.worldport 47 1942.2904 1543.1372 81.4717 Razorfen Kraul
.worldport 48 -150.0377 105.3537 -40.0085 Blackfathom Deeps
.worldport 70 -228.2409 46.9608 -46.0203 Uldaman - Main Entrance
.worldport 70 -213.0395 390.3918 -39.2016 Uldaman - Back Entrance
.worldport 90 -332.1519 -2.6040 -152.8454 Gnomeregan - Main Entrance
.worldport 90 -732.3842 1.6808 -248.6984 Gnomeregan - Workshop Entrance
.worldport 109 -316.1572 99.1812 -131.8486 The Temple of Atal'Hakkar
.worldport 129 2592.8118 1107.5568 51.2831 Razorfen Downs
.worldport 189 1687.2983 1052.7498 18.6774 Scarlet Monastery - Graveyard
.worldport 189 254.7799 -208.7762 18.6774 Scarlet Monastery - Library
.worldport 189 1608.4215 -323.7315 18.6729 Scarlet Monastery - Armory
.worldport 189 853.5711 1321.2988 18.6717 Scarlet Monastery - Cathedral
.worldport 209 1216.5499 842.0000 8.9951 Zul'Farrak
.worldport 229 78.0384 -228.2451 49.6842 Blackrock Spire
.worldport 230 457.2431 32.7569 -69.8176 Blackrock Depths
.worldport 249 31.0050 -56.5847 -5.2661 Onyxia's Lair
.worldport 269 -2063.5754 7123.3340 30.0819 Caverns of Time - The Black Morass
.worldport 190.8452 126.7041 137.2098 289 Scholomance
.worldport 309 -11916.6143 -1237.0503 92.5342 Zul'Gurub
.worldport 329 3392.0125 -3379.0000 142.7257 Stratholme - Main Entrance
.worldport 329 3590.3000 -3643.5679 138.4907 Stratholme - Service Entrance
.worldport 349 753.4187 -619.3070 -33.0472 Maraudon - Orange Entrance
.worldport 349 1014.9235 -457.9709 -43.4736 Maraudon - Purple Entrance
.worldport 389 3.6572 -8.7495 -15.8352 Ragefire Chasm
.worldport 409 1115.219971 -462.959015 -95.014801 Molten Core
.worldport 429 52.7125 -155.6232 -2.7139 Dire Maul East - Main Entrance
.worldport 429 -202.9003 -325.5672 -2.7226 Dire Maul East - Back Entrance
.worldport 429 251.5480 -25.0410 -2.5596 Dire Maul North
.worldport 429 42.3262 155.8390 -3.4699 Dire Maul West - Entrance 1
.worldport 429 -70.2564 159.4407 -3.4661 Dire Maul West - Entrance 2
.worldport 469 -7671.9287 -1107.7375 396.6518 Blackwing Lair
.worldport 489 1519.53 1481.87 352.024 Warsong Gulch - Alliance Start
.worldport 489 933.331 1433.72 345.536 Warsong Gulch - Horde Start
.worldport 509 -8437.5342 151.8475 31.9070 Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj
.worldport 529 1312.1321 1310.0991 -9.0102 Arathi Basin - Alliance Start
.worldport 529 684.9337 681.7779 -12.9162 Arathi Basin - Horde Start
.worldport 530 -3971.4819 -13915.2119 98.9930 Ammen Vale
.worldport 530 -4010.1379 -11888.6494 -1.6709 The Exodar
.worldport 530 10459.0205 -6366.3696 39.7917 Sunstrider Isle
.worldport 530 9416.0996 -6780.8979 14.8920 Silvermoon City
.worldport 530 9334.1855 -7277.1816 14.5106 Silvermoon City - The Sheperd's Gate
.worldport 530 -247.0472 938.1437 84.3426 The Stair of Destiny
.worldport 531 -8220.4014 2012.8542 129.0715 Ahn'Qiraj
.worldport 532 -11110.9463 -2003.9845 49.8927 Karazhan
.worldport 533 3005.4951 -3433.6279 304.1954 Naxxramas - Main Entrance
.worldport 533 3497.7803 -5351.4893 144.9707 Naxxramas - Sapphiron's Lair
.worldport 534 4608.4888 -3904.1729 944.1841 Caverns of Time - Mount Hyjal
.worldport 540 -41.5824 -23.0868 -13.6441 Hellfire Citadel - The Shattered Halls
.worldport 542 -3.9967 14.6363 -44.8009 Hellfire Citadel - The Blood Furnace
.worldport 543 -1360.6732 1632.5004 68.4421 Hellfire Citadel - Hellfire Ramparts
.worldport 544 187.8426 35.9232 67.9252 Hellfire Citadel - Magtheridon's Lair
.worldport 545 -13.8425 6.7542 -4.2586 Coilfang Reservoir - The Steamvault
.worldport 546 9.7292 -21.3373 -2.7538 Coilfang Reservoir - The Underbog
.worldport 547 119.1046 -130.5463 -0.3474 Coilfang Reservoir - The Slave Pens
.worldport 550 -10.4403 -1.1654 -2.4283 Tempest Keep - Eye of the Storm
.worldport 552 0.0000 0.0000 -0.2055 Tempest Keep - The Arcatraz
.worldport 553 153.5272 391.7262 -27.2532 Tempest Keep - The Botanica
.worldport 554 -26.3356 0.1234 -1.8124 Tempest Keep - The Mechanar
.worldport 555 0.0000 0.0000 -1.1279 Auchindoun - Shadow Labyrinth
.worldport 556 0.0000 0.0000 0.0062 Auchindoun - Sethekk Halls
.worldport 557 0.0191 0.9478 -0.9543 Auchindoun - Mana-Tombs
.worldport 558 -21.8975 0.1600 -0.1206 Auchindoun - Auchenai Crypts
.worldport 559 4054.8218 2956.2664 11.9387 Nagrand Arena
.worldport 560 2080.5410 213.1412 64.8747 Caverns of Time - Hillsbrad Hills Past
.worldport 562 6215.0063 331.1178 9.0974 Blade's Edge Arena
.worldport 564 439.6234 -169.7441 8.5809 Black Temple
.worldport 564 946.7537 760.759 302.8977 Black Temple - Beyond Gap
.worldport 565 61.8337 39.4399 -4.37842 - Gruul's Lair
.worldport 566 2183.2463 1571.4164 1159.3687 - Eye of the Storm
.worldport 568 120.438 1772.12 43.4402 - Zul'Aman
.worldport 37 1154.43 -165.231 313.603 - Azshara Crater Ally Entrance
.worldport 37 344.8 508.784 293.522 - Azshara Crater Horde Entrance
.worldport 1 -8508,67 -4557,75 -211,161 - Caverns of Time - Tanaris
.worldport 530 4215.75 3009.33 339.232 - party netherstorm
.worldport 1 16226.738281 16404.632813 -64379326 - Isla GM

======================PARA CIUDADES O EVENTOS==================
.worldport 0 269 359 45 - Inside the Dalaran Bubble
.worldport 1 1855 -1403 142
.worldport 1 2918 2465 139
.worldport 1 7368 -1559 164
.worldport 0 -8269 -217 268


Cantidad de envíos : 11
Fecha de inscripción : 20/10/2008

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